Outlander Book Club: A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 4 breakdown
Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter
I don’t see all that much in the way of foreshadowing in this chapter. I guess the main focus is how the two work to stay together, to remain in love with each other. Maybe that’s where the foreshadowing is.
It doesn’t matter what is to come in the future. The two will find their way back to each other, and they will still love one another deeply.
Adapting A Breath of Snow and Ashes chapter
The chapter wasn’t used in Outlander Season 5, and I doubt it will be used in Outlander Season 6. These types of scenes just don’t work for a TV show. We may see quick scenes here and there, but we won’t get the full focus of how the couples remain connected to one another.
TV shows need to build the drama and intensity each episode. There just isn’t the space for the slower moments throughout the season. Not in the way that the book can offer them. Think about how the books can build up the pace, an event is over, and then the slower chapters arrive as the focus returns to life in the 18th century.
The series just can’t get away with doing something like that. It wouldn’t work, especially for the fans who only watch the show or will watch the show first. This is something we just have to accept when it comes to book adaptations.
What did you spot while reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 4? Let us know in the comments below.
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