Just the Outlander chapter
We start with Brianna in the pantry. A raccoon has gotten in, and that raccoon has left quite a mess. Brianna has to look at everything that’s been damaged because of it.
When Roger gets there, Brianna throws something at him thinking he is the raccoon. She quickly apologizes when she realizes he’s not. Roger assesses the mess and is disappointed by the same thing that Brianna is. The raccoon got into the maple syrup. I love how we see that the two of them are on the same wavelength when it comes to items that are important to them right now.
Brianna spends time making up for hitting Roger in her anger at the raccoon.
Later on, Roger notes that it’s been some time that she’s seen Brianna naked. Not at night. They spend a lot of time connected in that way on a night. He’s thinking about it in the daytime. It’s been too long since then.
I love that we see that the two want to connect with each other. They have their day-to-day lives to get on with, but they also want to be with each other physically and mentally. That’s what this chapter is all about. We get that chance to see how the two continue to remain connected in mind and body, and that’s so important when it comes to books that involve life. Marriage and relationships aren’t easy, but we get to see how they can work.