Outlander Book Club: The Fiery Cross Chapter 105 breakdown
Just the Outlander chapter
The chapter is a short one and it starts with Roger making sure that Bree isn’t mad. She now knows that he reads her dream journal, and he worries that it’s an invasion of her privacy. Honestly, if he thought that, maybe he shouldn’t have read it in the first place!
However, Brianna isn’t mad. Once she writes the dreams down, they no longer feel all that personal. They’re just stories, and that’s the way she can imagine them. So, since they no longer feel personal and intimate, she doesn’t mind Roger reading about them.
Plus, this is Roger. This is a man she should be able to tell anything to, and she knows that.
But she does want a dream in return. She would like Roger to tell her something that he dreams of, but not one of the standard dreams that everyone has. She wants to hear his deeper dreams, the ones that are personal to him.
Roger suggests that he could tell her of dreams he has with Bree and their children. Note children. There are moments in this chapter and in a few other chapters recently where there have been thoughts about another child. Bree has the fertility charm under her pillow, so it’s clear that she would like another baby and Roger also wants one.
Brianna doesn’t want a waking dream, though. So, Roger tells her of a bittersweet one. He dreams of singing like he once did. He doesn’t know the song at all, but it’s for Brianna.