Sasnak City’s The Gathering 2021 is happening in November

Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ

There have been questions about whether events are going to be postponed due to the pandemic. We’ve got good news about Sasnak City 2021.

While Sasnak City had to postpone its Last Kingdom-inspired event to 2022, that’s not been the case for the Outlander-inspired event. The Gathering 2021 is happening in November.

Tickets are sold out, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get some. There are tickets resold now and then due to people no longer being able to attend. You’ll want to make sure you’re following Sasnak City on Facebook to stay up to date with anything involving the event.

For those with tickets, make sure you have Nov. 18 to 21 in your diary. You will also need to be part of the Sasnak City Attendees Facebook group so you can stay up to date with all the guidelines due to the pandemic, including the need to have a negative COVID test.

Grant O’Rourke and Tim Downie no longer at Sasnak City 2021

There is some bad news with the good. Grant O’Rourke and Tim Downie can no longer attend the convention. Both of them have had a clash with filming schedules. We’re certainly happy that both have projects to film, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be disappointed we won’t get to see them.

Alexander Vlahos, Annette Badland, Steven Cree, Duncan LaCroix, and Sophie Skelton are still set to attend the event. Of course, we could see some others have to step away for other projects, but right now, they’re all confirmed.

The convention also shared a new addition to the guest lineup. John Bell will attend all days of the event. We’ll get to see father and son together at Sasnak City 2021.

Update: Paul Donnelly is also confirmed as a guest at The Gathering. There’s also going to be a surprise guest, and we can’t wait to find out who that is! Don’t expect it to be Sam Heughan, sadly, but there are so many others who would make great surprise guests.

There are usually between six and eight guests. There’s always a chance more guests will end up in the lineup.

Sasnak City 2021 takes place from Nov. 18 to 21.