Outlander Book Club: The Fiery Cross Chapter 85 breakdown

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
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Outlander Season 5 - Outlander Season 7
Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ

Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

The foreshadowing I notice is in the moments between Bree and Roger. Brianna is worried that the tension will return. She just doesn’t know when there will be a shift in Roger’s mood. However, I get the sense that this is foreshadowing that there isn’t going to be a shift.

Roger went on one hell of a journey in the backcountry. We don’t get to know a lot of it just yet, but there’s time for Roger to look back at that time. He’s still got a journey ahead of him, but he’s started it. I do feel like we’re coming to the point of Roger healing mentally and spiritually as well as physically.

Adapting The Fiery Cross chapter

The chapter wasn’t used in the series. We didn’t get that quiet moment between Claire and Jamie in the backcountry because that whole storyline that took them out there wasn’t included. I didn’t mind this being skipped over. There’s just so much to fit in the show that anything included needs to have a bigger meaning.

One thing that I do find with The Fiery Cross is that there are some really slow moments. This is my least favorite book out of all of them because of all these slower moments. We just get to some excitement and it all slows down the pace again. And while yes, I love seeing some of the life on the Ridge, there are times I just think “get on with it.” I know some of you won’t be happy with me saying that, but we’re all allowed to like and dislike different things.

The part that was included was the change in Roger’s mood. It was for slightly different reasons. Roger didn’t have the same spiritual journey that he goes on throughout The Fiery Cross and into A Breath of Snow and Ashes on the series. Instead, he simply breaks through the memories of his trauma. He remembers what is so important to him.

As he remembers that, he breaks free. He gets back to Brianna and says her name. In the book, Brianna notes that Roger can talk a little easier. In the show, it’s just that he starts speaking again. Both moments have the same meaning behind them. Roger has reached a turning point.

What did you spot while reading The Fiery Cross Chapter 85? Let us know in the comments below.

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