Just the Outlander chapter
The chapter starts with Roger trying to get away from the wildfire. Clarence have managed to get away and Roger can’t find him. Instead, Roger has to focus on his own life and that means jumping into the river as the fire gets closer to him.
He wakes up in someone’s house. He has a few injuries from the fire, but nothing too major. Roger is more concerned about surviving the group of people around him. It’s clear that some of them don’t trust him, and if he says he’s a hunter, he knows that he’s going to end up dead.
One of the women recognizes the name Jamie Fraser on Roger’s astrolabe, but she knows that he isn’t Jamie. Roger realizes from the chipped teeth and the fact she knows Jamie that she’s Franny Beardsley.
This is a chance for Frannie to learn about her daughter. She gets a chance to find out that her daughter has inherited all of Aaron Beardsley’s property and that she is cared for. It’s all she wants to know.
It’s just the start of a journey for Roger, though. It’s time for him to figure out his head, even if he is around people when he doesn’t really want to be around people.