Outlander Book Club: The Fiery Cross Chapter 83 breakdown

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
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Outlander Season 5
Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ

Roger runs into someone from Claire and Jamie’s past in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 83

We head back to Roger’s story in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 83. Things aren’t quite going to plan when there’s a wildfire in the countryside.

This is a chance for Roger to start his spiritual journey. Up to this point, he’d worried about what he could do in the past. Now he gets the chance to interact with people who may be able to help him on the journey.

It’s also a chance to check in with a previous character from The Fiery Cross. Earlier in the story we got to meet Franny Beardsley, but she disappeared into the woods. We just had to believe that she ended up with the man she actually loved. Who would have thought it would be Roger who would run into her?

The chapter wasn’t used in the series. We never did get to find out what happened to Franny, and in a way, that’s okay. It isn’t a major moment for the overall story, although it does bring us a bit of closure. I’ll get to my thoughts on Roger’s journey from book to show in the adaptation section.

Is there foreshadowing? I think this is just setting up the plot for Roger to figure out what he wants to do in the past.

Let’s dive into The Fiery Cross Chapter 83.