Outlander Book Club: The Fiery Cross Chapter 75 breakdown

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
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Outlander Season 5 - Outlander Season 7
Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ

Roger speaks in a moment of panic in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 75

Up to this point, nobody has known whether Roger would be able to speak again. Claire fears that he might not, and it clearly plays on Roger’s mind up until Outlander Book 5, Chapter 75.

We don’t get chapters from Roger’s point of view during this point. It’s a shame. Getting the recovery period from his mind would have opened up a lot. Was he refusing to try to speak in fear of never actually speaking? Was he just struggling to come to terms with everything that happened?

This chapter still isn’t from Roger’s point of view. However, it’s important and we can get a sense of everything Roger is thinking. The moment he screams out to stop Jemmy burning himself turns everything around. There’s a moment of panic, but then he sees Brianna. The world settles around him, and he’s able to say her name.

There isn’t that much in the way of foreshadowing in this chapter. It’s all about progressing Roger’s story along, making sure that we get the recovery so we can then move onto the next plot points.

It was partly used in the series. Outlander Season 5, Episode 8 adapted this slightly differently, and I’ll get to my thoughts on that in the adaptation section. I like the book chapter, but I adore the way the show developed things.

Let’s dive into The Fiery Cross Chapter 75.