Governor Tryon sends a land grant to Roger in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 73
Claire and Brianna get Roger to Hillsborough, while Jamie continues wrapping things up at Alamance in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 73. It leads to Tryon sending something in way of apology for the “mistake.”
Jamie is understandably angry at Tryon. A prisoner should have a chance to defend himself, but that wasn’t the case for Roger. Tryon claims that the Regulators were traitors and they didn’t need a defense. They weren’t soldiers of war. However, Tryon knows that he has done wrong, so sends a land grant to Roger by way of an apology.
The focus is on other topics, though. Jamie and Claire need to figure out how Roger ended up being mistaken for a Regulator in the first place. And they and Brianna need to make sure nobody believes that Roger was a Regulator as that would cast doubt on Jamie’s loyalties.
Jamie and Claire do eventually find out about Buck. They don’t really know what to do with that information right now, but they know the name of one person responsible for Roger’s hanging.
The chapter wasn’t really used in the series. There wasn’t that much need to show the recovery process, and there was a different way to show the land grant. Instead, the show focused on Roger’s trauma. Most of you will know how much I adored the way the show portrayed Roger’s trauma, but I’ll get to my thoughts of adapting this chapter and skipping elements when it comes to the adaptation part.
As for foreshadowing, there isn’t that much. It’s just more about characters who are still to come up in the future.
Let’s dive into The Fiery Cross Chapter 73.