Claire offers some support to Phaedre in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 51
Now that Claire has consoled Dr. Fentiman, there is someone else in the house she needs to support. It’s about Phaedre in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 51.
We don’t get to see a lot of Claire consoling Phaedre, but it is an important moment. After all, it’s all about Claire showing compassion and kindness toward a slave. This isn’t something that most white people in the time would have done, but Claire isn’t from this time. She genuinely has compassion for people who are dealing with grief.
The end of the chapter is also important. Claire knows that Betty’s death was not an accident, but there’s only one way for her to figure out the truth. It leads us into the events of the next chapter.
There is a little bit of foreshadowing within this chapter when it comes to Phaedre. The ending is more of plot development. I’ll get into the two in the foreshadowing section.
As for using the chapter in the series, that didn’t happen. Betty’s murder didn’t come up. However, that doesn’t mean something from this and the next chapter wasn’t used.
Let’s dive into The Fiery Cross Chapter 51.