Jamie asks Claire for her gold ring in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 46
We’re getting back on track with The Fiery Cross readthrough. It’s going to seem strange jumping from Outlander Book 5, Chapter 46 after only just reading Chapter 48.
During Chapter 47, Roger mentioned to Brianna that Claire wasn’t wearing either of her wedding rings. I just thought it was something that would come up in a later chapter, not realizing that I’d skipped over a chapter accidentally. That’s what we’re going to back to before we get back on track with the readthrough tomorrow.
Claire and Jamie spend some time together after Jocasta and Duncan’s wedding. All Jamie wants is to get his hands on her sexually, but they don’t really have the chance to do that. That’s definitely not possible when Wylie challenges him to a game of whist.
This was one of the chapters from Jocasta’s wedding that was used in the series. At least, it was sort of used. We didn’t get the full thing, but we got enough of it for the drama between the Frasers. We got the moment of Jamie asking Claire for the gold ring from Frank and Claire understandably angry that Jamie would ask for one ring and not the other.
There isn’t all that much foreshadowing in the chapter that I can see. It’s more about creating just a little more drama while at Jocasta’s wedding.
Let’s dive into The Fiery Cross Chapter 46.