Brianna and Roger finally get married in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 14
It’s taken us about 220 pages, but we finally get to see Brianna and Roger get married in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 14. Only Bree and Roger get married, and it’s because they have to go through a Protestant ceremony, which is something Jocasta doesn’t want to do.
We get the chapter from Claire’s point of view. I would have loved to have either Bree or Roger narrate the chapter, even if it was just a section of it. However, Claire shares her thoughts, especially about Jamie’s reactions.
The chapter does allow for a few of the side characters to be involved, mainly little Germain. He has a few questions, especially about Jamie’s face. I can just imagine the three fake grins as Brianna and Roger get married. It is certainly a humorous moment of the chapter.
Of course, the wedding was included in the TV series, but this chapter wasn’t. Not all of it anyway. The show opted to avoid the fake grins, keeping the focus on the wedding day. I’ll share why I actually adored the way the show handled Bree and Roger’s wedding in the adaptation section.
As for foreshadowing, there isn’t really that much. We just know a wedding still has to happen.
Let’s dive into The Fiery Cross Chapter 14.