Roger and Brianna get to spend some time together in Outlander Book 5, Chapter 6
It’s already been a long morning during Outlander Book 5. Brianna and Roger haven’t seen each other that whole time, but they get to spend some time together in Chapter 6.
Of course, now, you wouldn’t see couples spend much time together on the morning of the wedding. It’s traditional for the bride and groom to be apart to get ready, with the superstition of it being bad luck for a groom to see the bride’s dress before walking down the aisle.
However, that’s not the case for Bree and Roger. Bree isn’t even ready for the wedding just yet. In a previous chapter, we found out that Phaedre was making adjustments to Bree’s dress, one given to her by Jocasta. There’s no need to worry about the superstitions in this chapter.
So, the focus is on the two of them as a couple and their future together. There are discussions of children, of celibacy, and of what Jamie would do to Roger if he ran away right now.
There is a tiny bit of foreshadowing in the chapter when it comes to a discussion of Bonnet, which I’ll get into in the foreshadowing section. However, this chapter wasn’t used much for the TV series. There is still time for one of the discussions to happen, though.
Let’s dive into The Fiery Cross Chapter 6.