We get plot points that will push us into the next book in Outlander Book 4, Chapter 68
The chapter starts off with everyone just enjoying domestic bliss, but Outlander book 4, Chapter 68 needs to push us forward. It needs to give us something that pushes us into the next book.
Duncan Innes arrives at Fraser’s Ridge with a request. It all starts off with a mention of the Gathering, but it ends with a question that makes Jamie happy. Yes, it’s all about his wish to marry Jocasta Cameron.
This request does seem to come out of the blue. Brianna didn’t even notice anything when she was at River Run. That doesn’t make it unrealistic, but it does put us in Jamie’s shoes as he hears the news.
It wasn’t a chapter used for the TV show. In fact, everything with Duncan Innes was changed for the series to allow Murtagh to come back and get his storyline. I’ll get into what I thought about that in the adaptation section.
There isn’t too much in the way of foreshadowing. This chapter is all about setting up the steps for the next book.
Let’s dive into Drums of Autumn Chapter 68.