Outlander Book 10 won’t necessarily mean Claire and Jamie’s story is over

Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy fo STARZ
Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy fo STARZ

Outlander Book 10 is going to be the last of the big books by Diana Gabaldon. However, she’s mentioned that it doesn’t necessarily mean Claire and Jamie’s story is finished.

Right now, Outlander Book 10 is still set to be the last in Diana Gabaldon’s novels. She’s still working on Book 9, titled Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone, and has said that she’s close to finishing but not quite there yet. Hopefully, by the end of 2021 we know some sort of publication date at the very least, but let’s stop asking “when will it be finished?”

When sharing the most recent Daily Lines, a fan asked Herself if she would be sad to say goodbye to the two characters she’s written about from the start. That’s when we learned that Outlander Book 10 isn’t necessarily the end for these two characters.

Okay, it’s the end of their current story. We’re finally going to understand how Jamie’s ghost was watching Claire from the window, but it doesn’t mean the two characters can’t pop up again.

Diana Gabaldon has other novellas planned as well as Outlander Book 10

The last book in the main series isn’t the only book that Gabaldon has planned after she finishes up Book 9. It’s just one of her next projects.

She has a prequel focusing on Ellen and Brian Fraser and there are talks of a prequel with Master Raymond. There are also possibly more Lord John Grey books in the works.

With all that in mind, our two favorite characters could show up again. Maybe we could get a bit more about Jamie’s story when he and Claire were separated for 20 years. Likewise, maybe we could get a little more of Claire’s.

There are other parts of the story when Claire and Jamie are together that we don’t necessarily know much about, opening the possibility of both coming back together.

The simple fact is Outlander Book 10 is not necessarily the end of Claire and Jamie.

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