Happy birthday, Rosie Day: 5 best Mary Hawkins moments from Outlander

Outlander Season 2 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 2 -- Courtesy of STARZ /

It’s Rosie Day’s birthday today, so what better time than to look back at Outlander Season 2? It’s a time to look at Mary Hawkins’s best moments.

Mary Hawkins was just a young lady when Claire met her during Outlander Season 2. It took some time but Claire realized that this was Frank Randall’s ancestor, the woman who would marry Black Jack Randall.

It was a shocking realization. How would someone like Black Jack Randall end up with someone like Mary Hawkings. And that was when the true started to come out. By the end of the second season, we learned the truth about Frank’s ancestors. Thankfully, he wasn’t a direct descendent of Black Jack.

To celebrate Rosie Day’s birthday today, we’re looking back at Mary’s standout moments throughout Outlander Season 2.

5 best Mary moments from Rosie Day on Outlander Season 2

A show of maturity and love

After being raped, Mary could have shied away and left France with her family. Well, eventually she did, but not before she did one thing to help a person she loved.

Mary helped to get Alex Randall out of the Bastille. She couldn’t face him being locked away for something that he didn’t do. Despite the trauma, she showed maturity and love in this moment.

The initial meeting

There’s no way we can forget the shy and closeted young lady that we initially met on Outlander Season 2. She was sure that English girls didn’t do anything that French girls did, but really, it was just her lack of knowledge and experience.

It certainly set the tone for this character. It also hinted that there was a lot of growth coming.

Sacrificing money for her love

When Claire gets back to Scotland toward the end of the season, she runs into Mary. Mary heard from Alex after the incident with the Duke of Sandringham and headed straight to him.

At first, Alex had a position. His job disappeared as his health worsened. However, Mary was willing to stick by him, choosing love over money. Oh what could have been for these two had Alex not been sick.

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Doing what was needed for her child

Nobody wanted to see Mary marry Black Jack Randall. Even Murtagh didn’t want that to happen and offered to marry her himself. In the end, Mary had to go through with it.

Alex requested it of the two people he loved. It was his dying wish. At the same time, Mary would end up with Black Jack Randall’s pension after his death. She would be in a good position in life, which meant good things for her and Alex’s child. She was willing to do what it took to look after the last thing of Alex she had.

The growth of her character in a short space of time

Finally, it’s all about the character growth. Rosie Day showed us just how much Mary changed throughout the course of the season. As she experienced more of the world, she started to grow and mature as a person.

She went from this squeaky and sometimes whiny girl to a strong-willed young woman. There were still moments of the child in her, but when she faced Claire at the apothecary in Outlander Season 2, Episode 12, it was clear that Mary had been through a change because of her circumstances.

Next. 25 most romantic moments on Outlander so far. dark

What were your favorite Mary moments on Outlander Season 2? Share them in the comments below.

Happy birthday, Rosie Day!