Jamie spends time with Willie in Outlander Book 4, Chapter 27
It’s not often that we get a chapter from Jamie’s point of view. This is the first time in Outlander Book 4 that we have it, and it’s a powerful chapter.
I always admit that I’m not a fan of first-person POV books. There is too much we don’t get to know about other characters, only ever seeing them from the point of view of the person introducing us to them. This can often lead to important parts of the characters missed out (because the main character doesn’t see them) or snap judgments that then cloud our opinion of characters.
I appreciate getting chapters from Jamie’s point of view, mostly because it gives us a chance to get out of Claire’s opinion of him. There is more to this man than Claire sees and infers. And this is one of those moments.
He gets to spend time with his son, trying to mask his words and his actions but also trying to bond with him at the same time. He also realizes something about Willie that there’s no way Claire ever would have.
It’s a relatively average chapter in terms of length, coming in at around 40 minutes. It was also used for the TV series because it is important when it comes to Jamie’s character development and when it comes to future parts of the books.
Let’s dive into Drums of Autumn Chapter 27.