Outlander Book Club: Drums of Autumn Chapter 20 breakdown

Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
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Outlander Season 4 — Courtesy of Mark Mainz/STARZ
Outlander Season 4 — Courtesy of Mark Mainz/STARZ

Claire and Jamie meet their Tuscarora neighbors in Outlander Book 4, Chapter 20

We end this week of chapters with a relatively light one. Outlander Book 4, Chapter 20 is about a potential friendship but also touches on topics that will come up in books to come.

There isn’t too much action in the chapter. It’s not surprising that the TV show cut it down considerably. After all, there was really only the ending to the chapter that was needed since it will link to things to come for Claire.

Despite it not being dramatic, it is full of detail. It sets the stage for the Frasers’ life in the backcountry. They are ready to continue a friendship with their Tuscarora neighbors, but not everyone will want to do that.

There is a line at the very end that you don’t really understand until the event has come to pass. I’ll break that down in the foreshadowing section of the chapter.

It is a short chapter, coming in at around 20 minutes on Audible. It’s not one you’ll want to miss though. The next chapter is on the longer side, and you’ll possibly want to read ahead over the weekend as Chapter 23 is almost two hours long.

Let’s dive into Drums of Autumn Chapter 20.