No, the story in the Outlander books isn’t over yet!
With long breaks between the Outlander books, it can lead to fans worrying that the story is over. Is Diana Gabaldon still writing the novels?
There’s no need to worry. Gabaldon is definitely still working on the novels. In fact, she’s close to finishing the ninth book in the series, which is titled Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone. There are plenty of fans speculating the title. Who is gone and why?
For those who aren’t caught up in the book series, I won’t share any spoilers. Sure, the first books have been out 30 years, but the last set of books haven’t. There are always new people finding the series and then learning there are books to read, so some storylines are a little spoilery.
You just need to know that the ninth book is happening, and there are a few Daily Lines out there to offer a tease of what to expect. We put all the Daily Lines in the spoilers category.
How many Outlander books will there be?
Now that you know Diana Gabaldon is still writing the books, you’ll want to know how many there are. Will there be a wait for another book after Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone?
Gabaldon is planning 10 books in the main story. She’s already started on some chapters because of the way her writing takes shape. However, she’s not focused too much on it just yet. One thing we do know is that Jamie’s ghost will be explained in the 10th book.
There are other books coming, too. Diana Gabaldon is working on a prequel story that focuses on Jamie’s parents, which will include Murtagh. Then there are talks of more Lord John Grey books and a Master Raymond book.
The Outlander universe just keeps getting bigger.
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