The Artemis is boarded by pirates in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 54
Claire and Jamie set sail to Jamaica in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 54, but they’re stopped along the way. Pirates aboard the ship, leading to a fight and Claire being injured.
This chapter also sees Claire and Jamie discuss what they are supposed to do with the slave they now own. Just setting him free would be dangerous, especially since he wouldn’t have enough English or French to explain that he is free…and who would believe him?
One thing I do appreciate with this chapter is that Claire learns why they can’t just to go Africa and return Temeraire there. That part isn’t included in the show because it’s not 100% necessary, but it’s an interesting point to make and answers a question a lot of people were likely answering.
As for the chapter being used in the show, barely any of this made it. The gash on Claire’s arm was made in a different way and the conversation about Temeraire was done in Jamaica and not on the ship. The drama that happens within the chapter itself was avoided completely, and I’ll share why I think that happened and why I think it was a good thing in the adaptation breakdown.
Let’s dive into the 48-minute chapter of Voyager.