Just the Outlander chapter
Jamie manages to get some help from the crew of the Artemis to sneak on board the Porpoise. It doesn’t say how much time passes, but it’s clearly the amount of time that Claire was on the ship. This is part of the story that doesn’t feel believable to me. I just don’t see Jamie doing this when there is no reason for Jamie not to believe that he and Claire will be reunited in Jamaica at this point.
Regardless, Jamie decides to head to the Porpoise and sneaks on board. He finds the goats and a woman we know is Mrs. Johansen, but then he runs into a one-eyed man. That man in Thompkins, who knows exactly who Jamie is. Of course, Jamie doesn’t know why this man knows him, but he’s going to find out. He also wants to know where Claire is.
Well, Claire is overboard, Thompkins tells Jamie. Before Jamie can really consider everything and find out how this man knows him, he’s hit over the head.
He wakes to find Captain Leonard. There is a fight as Jamie learns he’s supposed to hang, and then he’s knocked out again.
He does briefly remember Mrs. Johansen telling him that Claire isn’t dead, but he doesn’t remember much more. He wakes up on land with a group of kids looking at him. These kids tell him that he’s on Hispaniola, which we know is the same island Claire has ended up on. Jamie doesn’t know that yet. However, he knows from what he remembers Mrs. Johansen saying that she’s close.
What he does find out, though, is that the Bruja sailed to the island just a week earlier. Jamie realizes that he’s close to Claire and Young Ian. There’s a little hope.