Claire feels the weight of the losses in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 48
Outlander Book 3, Chapter 48 is a difficult one for Claire. She feels the weight of the losses, especially one that is close to her.
The spread of infection isn’t over yet. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s not enough for Claire. After all, as a doctor, all she wants to do is help people. But there’s so much she knows she can’t do, and that’s weighing on her.
However, she does speak to someone who tries to offer some solace and hope. It doesn’t work, and I can’t help but feel sorry for that “someone” in this chapter.
While there were certainly moments of this chapter that were changed because of changes to the overall story, there were other elements that were kept. At the same time, a lot was changed on the TV show to suit the way TV show episodes need to be written, and I’ll get to that during the adaptation section.
It is a relatively short chapter, though. It comes in at less than 20 minutes on Audible, but that doesn’t stop it being important to understand Claire’s mentality.
Let’s get into the breakdown of Voyager Chapter 48.