Claire and Jamie are separated once more in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 46
Claire and Jamie find themselves separated again in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 46. This time they find themselves on separate boats.
It’s the point where a familar face is getting ready to return to the book series. At the same time, Claire jumps back into doctor mode, as she works on treating a ship full of infectious passengers. This is just the start, and she has a long journey ahead of her to make sure as many of the ships’ crew recover as possible.
We get to hear about a character who will become important to Claire’s story, Mrs. Johansen. She is the woman looking after the goats, but she will do more.
It shouldn’t be surprising that the chapter was used for the TV series. There was no way of not being able to use this chapter for the story. It sets things up for Jamaica nicely.
This is a chapter on the longer side, coming in at around an hour in length. That’s become about the average length of Voyager chapters, and it is packed full of information.
Let’s dive into Voyager Chapter 46.