Claire and Jamie return to France in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 40
Claire and Jamie start their adventure across the seas. It all begins in France in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 40.
There are a few things from past chapters that crop up during this one. We get a mention of a character we haven’t seen since Dragonfly in Amber at all and another character from that book shows up during the chapter.
There’s also a character from earlier in Voyager that pops up again. Mr. Willoughby isn’t impressed with this character, either, which certain foreshadows something later in the book.
While I understand why this chapter wasn’t fully used in the TV series, there’s something in it that I wish was used. However, the more I think about the books and the show adaptation, I think it was partly used during Outlander Season 2, and I did like the scene in the series.
This does feel a little more like a filler chapter, setting the tone for the next stage of the journey. It builds up to the journey across the seas that Claire and Jamie will head on.
This is a chapter that is more of the average length of Voyager chapters, coming in at around an hour on Audible. Let’s get into the breakdown.