Young Ian swims out to get the gold in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 39
Deciding that the only want to be free of Laoghaire is to pay her with the gold from silkies island, Jamie sends Young Ian out to get it in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 39. It’s time to break down the chapter.
This is the last chapter of Part Seven in the story. From this point, we start our voyage across the seas. After all, Jamie and Claire need to rescue Young Ian, who has been taken during the swim across to silkies island.
There’s a chance for Jamie to open up a little, as he blames himself for everything that has happened. Has he been too weak? Should he have let Claire go? It’s an important moment for the two of them to connect, but it didn’t make it into the series.
This chapter was partly used in Outlander Season 3, but not exactly. It was cut short, offering a major cliffhanger at the end of the episode, pushing us into the voyage across the seasons in the next episode. Why did the producers change so much? I’ll get to my thoughts about that, and why I didn’t actually mind the change from a TV perspective.
The chapter itself is a relatively short one, coming in at a little more than 30 minutes on Audible. Yet without the chapter, there wouldn’t be the rest of the story.
Let’s get into Voyager Chapter 39.