Claire learns why Jamie married Laoghaire in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 37
Claire learns more about Jamie’s life during the 20-year separation in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 37.
This is an important chapter for the backstory. We need to know why Jamie would consider marrying Laoghaire considering the type of young girl she was during their time together at Castle Leoch. We also need to know why Marsali and Joanie call Jamie “Daddy” if they’re not his children.
One thing I love about this chapter is the snippet from Jamie’s memories. They’re told from Jamie’s point of view. I wish there were more of these thrown in throughout the book. I’d prefer them than having Claire tell us what Jamie is saying or just through dialogue.
It shouldn’t be surprising that the chapter was used for the show, but slightly differently. After all, Jamie knew that Laoghaire had tried to have Claire killed in the first season so he shouldn’t have married Laoghaire even almost two decades later. Something had to be added in, and there was a line from Claire that put a smile on my face.
As for foreshadowing, I didn’t see too much. Maybe just one little bit that continues the story.
Here’s our breakdown of the Voyager chapter. Are you ready?