Jamie is introduced to penicillin to save his life in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 36
Claire gets back to Lallybroch in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 36. She never expected to return, and she wasn’t the only one. Everyone is shocked to see her back.
Did we really think Claire would leave Jamie forever? There wouldn’t be a story if she did. Of course, at the time of initially reading this, nobody knew where the story was going to go. Nobody knew that Claire and Jamie would travel the high seas to the West Indies. It must have been tense reading the previous chapter for the very first time not knowing anything or that there would be more books.
The chapter itself picks up with Claire and Young Ian getting back to Lallybroch. It ends with Claire using modern medicine to save Jamie. If it wasn’t for her stealing from the hospital and bringing penicillin back with her, Jamie wouldn’t likely have survived this fever.
The chapter itself is about the same length as the previous ones. It’s around the 20-minute mark on Audible and around 10 pages in the book. It does take us just over the halfway mark of the book in terms of page numbers (in the copy I have, anyway).
Let’s dive into Voyager Chapter 36.