Claire’s standout moments from Outlander Season 3, Episode 9
I have a love-hate relationship with Outlander Season 3, Episode 9. There are moments that I adore, but Claire’s attitude toward superstitions annoys the hell out of me at times.
However, that doesn’t stop her from having some excellent moments. I do think she sometimes needs to step back from her 20th-century views while in the 18th century, but her 20th-century view can make her more accepting of different cultures at other times.
This episode also sees Claire have to deal with a young girl who hates her. Oh how much Marsali has changed over the years, but this was our first real introduction to the character and we all probably felt the way Claire did.
It’s time to look back over the episode. Here are the five best Claire moments from Outlander Season 3, Episode 9.
Taking the bigger bed
Claire and Marsali did not get along when they first met each other. That wasn’t surprising considering everything Laoghaire would have told Marsali, but Claire couldn’t help hate Marsali for who her mother was.
The two are forced to share a room. Instead of arguing with a 15-year-old girl (that’s roughly how old Marsali is supposed to be), Claire makes it clear that she’ll take the bigger bed. The way she says it is hilarious, but it stops the argument, allowing Claire to be the bigger person.
Goodnight Moon
There are a few great Claire and Jamie moments during Outlander Season 3, Episode 9. One is certainly on the ship when the two reconnect physically in the storage room, but another is before all that. It’s before the Jonah incident.
Claire and Jamie look up at the moon one night. It’s a chance for Claire to share more about Brianna, including her favorite book. Claire deeply misses her daughter. It’s sometimes hard to remember that with everything going on, but this moment is an important reminder.
Wanting to hear Yi Tien Cho’s story
Despite her response toward superstitions, Claire is still respectful of some cultures. As the lack of wind only just starts, Yi Tien Cho paints poetry in the wood with water. Claire sees him and would like to know more.
She wants to hear more about him, the story that brought him to Scotland. And when she says he’s not ready to tell it, she accepts that. She just waits for him to be ready.
Claire’s acceptance and respect for Yi Tien Cho is one of my favorite changes Outlander Season 3 brought us.
Wanting Jamie to bless Marsali and Fergus’s relationship
Claire thinks as the mother of a teenager. She knows that some people will do something purely in spite of the people who say no. She worries that Fergus and Marsali will be those people, so she has a plan.
If Jamie blesses the relationship, maybe the two will find their relationship goes nowhere. Jamie decides that’s not going to happen, showing their different personalities, their different parenting styles, and their different experiences.
I think I’d be like Claire. I know my mom was just like her!
Instantly being willing to help the sick
The ending to the episode sees a British ship stopping everyone. There’s a ship full of sick people, and immediately Claire steps in as a surgeon. She can’t help it but want to save lives.
The good news is she knows the illness. It’s nothing that the people of the time know about yet, at least, not by name. However, Claire is inoculated so she’s not putting herself at risk. Even if she would, I do think she’d want to help anyway. That’s just who Claire is.
What were your favorite Claire moments from Outlander Season 3, Episode 9? Share them in the comments below.
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