Jamie tells Claire the story of the gold in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 33
We find out why Jamie escaped Ardsmuir Prison and then turned himself back in. Here’s our breakdown of Outlander Book 3, Chapter 33.
This is one of those chapters where Claire and Jamie are connected. They’re together, and they’re trying to rebuild their life together. What will that life look like? They don’t know right now, but that’s something for another day.
Instead, Jamie uses this time to tell a story from when he was at Ardsmuir. He shares why he escaped from the prison, and, more importantly, why he turned himself back in. We get to know the thoughts that went through his mind after reading about it from Lord John Grey’s point of view earlier in the story.
It’s an important chapter to bring some sort of closure to the Ardsmuir part. At the same time, it reminds us of the gold. With everything going on, it’s easy to forget that happened so many chapters back. This gold—or what turns out to be old coins and gemstones—becomes an extremely important part to the rest of the Voyager story.
Unsurprisingly, the chapter was used in the TV show. It needed to be because of the importance of the gold, but also to see Claire and Jamie start to reconnect. There wasn’t as long spent on the story, though.
And then there’s the ending that just had to be included. There was no way to skip that.
The Voyager chapter is about normal length for the books, coming in at around 40 minutes on Audible. And it’s more than worth the time.
Let’s get into the breakdown of Voyager Chapter 33.