There’s a fire at Jamie’s print shop in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 27
It’s time for another Voyager chapter on the longer side of things. Jamie’s print shop is set on fire during Outlander Book 3, Chapter 27, but why?
The chapter starts relatively slowly, introducing a storyline that will clearly play a bigger part later. However, it soon picks up with the fire at the print shop. Not only does Jamie have to find a way to save his business, but he also needs to save his nephew.
This is the point for Ian Murray to learn the truth. Jamie knew that Young Ian was in town the whole time. In fact, he’d given Young Ian a job to do that was connected to the smuggling business. Naturally, Ian isn’t happy about that, and you can’t really blame him.
However, the attention can’t stay on that as Young Ian has something to tell Jamie about a man looking for him. It all ends with a heartfelt moment between nephew and uncle, making it clear that there is a bond that will form for the years to come.
Some of this chapter was used in the TV series. Other parts were used but adapted heavily. Like previous chapters, I can see why the changes were made to suit the workings of a TV show. Bringing this full chapter to life as it was just simply wasn’t possible.
Let’s get into the Voyager Chapter 27 breakdown.