Claire prepares for her return to the past in Outlander Book 3, Chapter 21
We’re getting very close to the end of Claire and Jamie’s separation. It’s time to break down Outlander Book 3, Chapter 21.
This is one of those chapters that was used on the show but adapted a lot. The TV show needed to spend more time with Roger and Brianna. It needed to adapt that relationship ready for the fourth season, although there were elements that could have been better.
However, the overall focus was the same. Roger had found Jamie in the past. He runs through everything he knows with Claire, giving her the proof that Jamie is somewhere 202 years in the past and alive. She can return to him.
Will she do it? That’s something touched on in the chapter, as she gets ready for her return.
Despite being such an important chapter in the overall story, it’s a short one. It comes in at less than 15 minutes on Audible. The story did break up the search for Jamie throughout multiple chapters and parts. In the show, it condensed the search to just two episodes, which made sense for that form of storytelling.
Let’s get into the Voyager chapter breakdown. It’s time to see how Claire prepares for her return.