Outlander Book Club: We start reading Voyager tomorrow

Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ /

Get Voyager ready to begin the chapter breakdowns tomorrow

It’s almost time to continue the Outlander Book Club. We’ll pick up with the third book, Voyager, tomorrow.

Sept. 29 was the date chosen for one main reason. It’s all about when we’ll finish reading the book. The last chapter will be on Christmas Eve. Then we can take a break until 2021 for Drums of Autumn. With the delays to Outlander Season 6 filming, we’ll likely get up to the sixth book with more than enough time to read it before the season premieres.

There are 63 chapters in the book. There aren’t any three-hour chapters in this book, but there are more that run over the hour-mark than in the past. The longest chapter is 1hr 45min, according to the Audible book that I have. I tend to listen and read, switching between the versions depending on what I’m doing.

Sticking to the same breakdown for Voyager

The breakdowns with the chapter, the foreshadowing, and the adaptation seem to remain popular with a lot of readers. It’s something that I’ve certainly enjoyed doing. I’ll be sticking with that format for this third book.

The good news is the third season is a little fresher in my brain. I’m rewatching the episodes every week to mark the anniversaries of the episodes as I do every year. So, I’m making some notes, especially as I’ll admit I’ve started reading the chapters of Voyager already to make sure I can deliver the breakdowns on time.

I’ll also stick to the weekday postings. This allows those who can’t keep up time over the weekends to catch back up with us.

What is Voyager about?

For those who are joining the books for the first time, Voyager is the book that Outlander Season 3 was based on. It picks up with Claire and Jamie in two timelines, although not in the same way the show does. There are some differences for Claire’s storyline at the start of the book.

We get a chance to see how both Claire and Jamie handled the 20 years apart. Then we see them come back together, struggling with some of their different experiences and a few secrets Jamie has. Of course, the book takes us on the wild seas when the two head out to Jamaica to rescue Young Ian from a certain “witch.”

Next. All the Dragonfly in Amber chapters collected together. dark

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