We say goodbye to Colum MacKenzie in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 37
You know you’re getting close to the end of a particular storyline when characters from the beginning are killed off. That’s the case in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 37, as we say goodbye to Colum MacKenzie.
This is an essential chapter for the story. It changes the power within the MacKenzie clan, setting the clan up for failure. The show did this differently, but there was still a similar effect in the end. The MacKenzie men would join Bonnie Prince Charlie and their headstone would be placed on the battlefield.
While not as long as the previous chapter, this is still on the longer side compared to other Dragonfly in Amber chapters. It’s almost 90 minutes in length, and many other chapters in this part of the book are about the same length. They’re worth reading and they are important, but it can be hard to fit full chapters around work.
If you do get behind, never fear. These chapters remain up on the site. You’ll always be able to read the breakdowns when you get through the chapters.
As for foreshadowing, there is an element of it in the chapter. It’s a small moment, but important for the overall story in the second book.
Let’s get into the breakdown of Dragonfly in Amber Chapter 37.