Jamie and Ian are caught in the snow in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 33
While life is quiet at Lallybroch, there are still ghosts of the past that come up. That happens in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 33.
Claire and Jenny remain at Lallybroch while Jamie and Ian head out to Broch Mordha. However, the two men are caught out in the snow, and it takes much longer than expected for them to return. When they do return, Ian looks worse for wear and everyone is understandably worried. We know what happened the last time the two were gone for longer than expected!
Well, it turns out Jamie has opened up to Ian in a way he never thought he would. It was necessary after a night together in a cabin waiting out the snow.
This chapter isn’t all that important for the overall storyline. It shouldn’t be too surprising to hear that it wasn’t used in the TV show. However, it’s important to get to know the relationship between Jamie and Ian a little more. It’s also important to give Claire and Jenny more time together. These have to be sacrificed when it comes to time constraints on the series.
There is a little bit of foreshadowing within the chapter. However, a lot of this is focused on character development.
The Dragonfly in Amber chapter itself is relatively average in length, coming in at just more than 41 minutes on Audible. Let’s get into the breakdown, shall we?