We head back to Lallybroch in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 30
Outlander Book 2, Chapter 30 starts the story back in Scotland. Claire and Jamie head back to Lallybroch, giving us time to catch our breaths a little.
The chapter isn’t too dramatic. There is a moment where a horse doesn’t want to move forward, but it’s nothing all that serious when Claire and Jamie figure out what the problem is. However, it is a chapter to allow us to catch up on a few things.
This chapter also starts the calm before the storm. It won’t be long until Claire and Jamie are forced into a fight for Scotland.
The whole of Part Five in Dragonfly in Amber is made up of some relatively short chapters. Part Six’s first chapter will certainly make up for that. Get ready for a two-hour chapter coming up! I’ll warn you as we get closer.
For now, we have a 30-minute chapter that is packed with lightness, although a reminder of things that happened the last time Claire and Jamie were at Lallybroch. It’s also a bit of a reset for now.
There is a feeling of foreshadowing within this chapter. It feels like something is going to come up based on the events within this chapter specifically, but it’s hard to say as I’m a little hazy on the next part of the book. I know the show well, but I’ve only read Dragonfly in Amber once, and there are parts of this book and the show that I mold together. Just fair warning!
Let’s get into the breakdown.