Claire learns where Jamie is in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 27
Up to this point, Claire was sure Jamie was on his way to Spain. However, Outlander Book 2, Chapter 27 sees her (and us) learn where he really is.
Louise has known along. However, the fact that Louise kept this from Claire isn’t important. The most important thing is getting Jamie out of his current predicament, and that means Claire needs to pay a visit to King Louis.
Of course, she realizes what she will need to do to barter for Jamie’s freedom. What she doesn’t expect is to have to be La Dame Blanche for a day, seeing inside the souls of two men.
This chapter is extremely important in setting up the rest of the story. It shouldn’t be surprising to hear that the series did adapt the chapter, but had to change a few things. After all, Murtagh wasn’t on the ship from Portugal and Claire didn’t learn about where Jamie was from Louise.
It is an average-sized chapter coming in at a little short of an hour on Audible. It’s the second-longest of Part Four in the book, with just two chapters after this of the part. We’re close to the end of the France storyline.
Let’s get into the breakdown of the Dragonfly in Amber chapter.