Jamie breaks his promise to Claire in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 24
We get to Outlander Book 2, Chapter 24. This is where Jamie breaks his promise to Claire, and at this point, we have no idea why.
There was no way the show could avoid adapting this chapter. However, it was done slightly differently, as we got to see some of Jamie’s side of things right away instead of finding out about it later. I’ll certainly get into that during the adaptation section of the post.
It was an essential chapter. From the description Claire overheard, it was clear there was more to the story. I do wonder if had Claire not lost the baby at the same time if she’d have realized there was more to the story; that Jamie had a reason to break his promise. However, she was so wrapped up in her grief (understandably, of course) that she couldn’t see through to the likely truth.
There was a lot in this chapter that set up later events. We’ll get into that in the foreshadowing section. It sets up events later in Dragonfly in Amber and into Voyager.
So, let’s get into this chapter breakdown. It’s a relatively short chapter in terms of the whole of Dragonfly in Amber, but still extremely important.