Outlander Book 2, Chapter 19 picks up off the back of the previous episode
We pick up straight off the back of the previous chapter in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 19. What can Claire and Jamie do to fix a problem they accidentally caused?
During the previous chapter, everyone at the dinner party found out the two had hidden Mary upstairs. On top of that, Claire had given her an opium-derivative medicine to help her sleep, and she didn’t take too well to that. When she woke to find Alex near her, she immediately thought of the attack and thought her rapist was still close to her.
If Claire and Jamie didn’t already have a big problem trying to prevent Culloden, they had the threat of both being locked away in the Bastille. Fortunately, they have friends in the right places, giving them time to figure out what to do next.
This is an important chapter for Murtagh, though. It’s his chance to apologize for his actions and sets up a storyline for him for chapters to come.
This is a shorter-than-normal chapter of Dragonfly in Amber, coming in at just short of 30 minutes on Audible. However, it’s packed with important information for character and story development.
Let’s get into the breakdown of Outlander Book 2, Chapter 19.