Claire is “poisoned” in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 16, and Master Raymond may have answers
At first, it looks like Outlander Book 2, Chapter 16 won’t have that much important information. That quickly turns when Claire is “poisoned” and only Master Raymond may have the answers.
It quickly turns into a scary chapter for Claire and Jamie. There’s the fear of losing the baby, while also questions about who wants to kill her. Of course, there is always someone on our minds, especially since he’s mentioned in the chapter itself.
Fortunately for Claire, it wasn’t poison that she drank. It was bitter cascara, which had already been mentioned in a previous chapter. We knew it would come up eventually!
I do think there’s a little foreshadowing in the chapter for Claire and Master Raymond’s connection. However, we don’t quite learn of their full potential connection in the main books. You’ll need to read the short story “The Space Between” to get the full story. It’s a shame that it was never added to the main books somehow, even in passing at a later point.
As for fitting in with the show, well, it did make it. The storyline worked a little differently, but the main focus was still the same. Someone wants to kill Claire Fraser, and we all know who it was.
The chapter is just short of 40 minutes on Audible, which is becoming about standard for this book. It’s also the penultimate chapter of this part. We’ll be onto Part Three on Wednesday!