Claire find a purpose while in Paris in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 12
While there’s not been a huge focus on it during the books, Claire has been fed up of having nothing to do. She’s a woman who likes to be useful, and it’s not surprising to hear that she wants to help at the charity hospital. That happens during Outlander Book 2, Chapter 12.
The TV series certainly changed things between Jamie and Claire, mostly due to timing and to allow a little drama between our favorite couple. However, both show and books made one thing clear: Claire is happy to be able to help.
It’s in this chapter that we meet Mother Hildegarde and Bouton. The chapter brings us life of helping the poor, those who can’t afford medical help, and those who are often dying of their ailments because they didn’t get the right treatment earlier.
We also see Claire back in her element. She’s not just helping people, but she’s in the medical field. She shows her abilities but is also humble when it comes to finding ailments. She doesn’t know everything and I love this part of Book Claire.
I didn’t notice too much in the way of foreshadowing in this chapter, although there is some. Little do we know but Mother Hildegarde will play a much more important role in Claire’s life.
Let’s get into the breakdown of Dragonfly in Amber Chapter 12.