Claire and Jamie start life in Paris in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 7
We back to chapters that are about the average length with Outlander Book 2, Chapter 7. This is also one that shows the downside of writing in first-person POV and not including Jamie’s own thoughts.
During Dragonfly in Amber Chapter 7, Claire and Jamie begin their life in Paris. Jared Fraser is still around, making sure Jamie is ready to take over the business while he’s away in Germany. He’s also keeping an eye on Claire, who continues to prove that she’s not a lady of the time.
This chapter includes Jamie meeting both Bonnie Prince Charlie and King Louis. However, we don’t see those meetings play out in the way that we do in the TV show, which is where I think the TV show is stronger for this part of the book. Maybe this is why Dragonfly in Amber has never really been a favorite book of mine. I’ll get onto that, though, in the TV show breakdown section.
When it comes to foreshadowing, I don’t notice too much. Most of it is linked to the rising. We get a lot of coverage about the past more than what’s to come. I’ll admit while reading this chapter again, I did find my mind wandering, wishing that there was something more.
That being said, it’s an important chapter for some elements. It’s clear that Comte St. Germain isn’t just some businessman, but a potentially dangerous enemy that Claire has made.
Let’s get into the breakdown for Outlander Book 2, Chapter 7.