Roger and Claire get time in Outlander Book 2, Chapter 4
We’re onto Chapter 4 from Dragonfly in Amber. This is a chapter from two points of view, starting with Roger and moving onto Claire. It’s time to break down Outlander Book 2, Chapter 4.
This is a chapter packed with information, but it tells more than shows. Roger finds one of Reverend Wakefield’s journals, which shares more information about the Randalls, filling in a few pieces from the past here and there.
It’s not a lot. We still end up with plenty of questions. However, it’s clear that answers will come soon.
Even when we move onto Claire’s chapter, we end up with more questions. There’s also this sense that there are going to be some difficult moments for Claire in the following chapter.
When it comes to turning the book into the show, I’m starting to understand more about why the Outlander Season 2 premiere focused on Claire in 1948 instead of in 1968. I’ll delve into that when it comes to the adaptation section of the breakdown.
This is one of the longer chapters on Audible, but it’s certainly worth the read/listen. It’s necessary to start piecing bits together.
Let’s get into the breakdown of Outlander Book 2, Chapter 4.