Outlander Book Club: Dragonfly in Amber Chapter 1 breakdown

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
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OUtlander, The fiery Cross
Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ — Acquired via STARZ Media Center

Adapting this Dragonfly in Amber chapter for the show

As everyone knows when watching the TV series, this chapter of Dragonfly in Amber did not happen at the beginning of the series. Instead, the Outlander Season 2 premiere opened to Claire in 1948. She and Frank started their new life together.

However, this chapter was still partially adapted. There were a few small changes for the sake of the show, but it was all used for the Outlander Season 2 finale. We got to see Geillis return, Claire and Brianna met Roger, and everyone learned the truth about time travel and Bree’s parentage.

As such an important chapter, it always had to be used. However, I do appreciate the show telling the 1948 story instead. It gave us a little more Frank, and I always love more Tobias Menzies, while seeing the stipulations that Frank set during this time.

Had the show not opted for this, we’d have been waiting until Season 3 to get some answers. For show-first fans, this might not have worked out so well. Of course, opting for the future to start off a season was a little confusing, but viewers just had to keep watching to piece it all together. Some of the book-first fans may have also felt some confusion with finding themselves in the future with Roger’s POV first!

Overall, I liked the way the TV show did things. I also like the way the book story started. This is why I like to treat both completely separately. They work for their different mediums.

What did you think during your reading of Dragonfly in Amber Chapter 1? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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