Outlander Book Club: Book 1, Chapter 29 breakdown

Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ
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Outlander Season 1 — Courtesy of STARZ

Using the chapter in the Outlander TV series

The main part of this chapter used in the show was when Jenny tells the story of what happened to her. However, it’s done earlier in the TV series. Instead of waiting for another quiet moment, Jenny decides to tell the story when Jamie and Claire arrive at Lallybroch.

This would have mostly been due to time. It was easier to combine the two sections into one part of an episode than to find another place that it would fit. Plus, Jenny had already started telling some of the stories, so it made more sense just to give the full story.

We also get a little bit about Jamie and Ian being friends sprinkled throughout the episodes. We don’t need this chapter to play out in full to get a sense of their friendship. We also don’t need to hear all their stories. Nor do we necessarily need the bit with Claire and Jamie at the end. There’s no need for her to go into her life with Uncle Lamb

This is just where TV shows and books differ. Books allow more time to get to know the characters. We have more time to spend in quiet reflection and memories. There just isn’t that when it comes to a 16-episode season.

Something also worth remembering is that this is the point the Horrocks story came up in the TV series. It was earlier in the book. The time was needed to adapt that part properly, which wouldn’t have been possible if more time was spent on these quieter moments at Lallybroch.

What did you notice during Outlander Book 1, Chapter 29? Share in the comments below.

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