Claire is tried as a witch in Outlander Book 1, Chapter 25
We’re onto the second-longest chapter of the first Outlander book, and this is an important one. It’s not just about Claire’s witch trial but about Claire making a huge choice about her future.
This chapter takes about two hours on Audible. I had to break this into chunks when I came to read it, as it is long. The good thing is there are clear breaks between the events of the witch trial.
This is certainly one of those chapters that was used heavily for the show, but there were some substantial changes. I have my suspicions about the changes, and I’m sure they were mostly due to budget and having to film outside. The feeling of the chapter didn’t change, nor did the outcome of the witch trial and Claire’s decision.
For much of the chapter, we’re clarifying things that Claire thinks she knows. We get to see a Scottish witch trial play out and various moments of previous chapters come to their climax. It’s all been building to Claire being accused as a witch all because of her friendship with Geillis.
At the same time, we learn a little more about Geillis. It isn’t until the end that we get the full truth—that she’s a time traveler—but we do get to find out that she’s a Jacobite. Everything she has done up to this point as been for Scotland.
Let’s delve into Outlander Book 1, Chapter 25 for our full breakdown.