Connecting to the Outlander TV series
There was a lot changed from this chapter for the show, but for many good reasons. One thing I adored about the show was that it gave us a look at what Jamie, Rupert, Ned, and others were doing in the lead up to the wedding. We got a chance to see just how important this wedding was for Jamie.
It wasn’t just about giving Claire the best day possible under the circumstances, although that was one of the reasons. Jamie wanted to do it right for himself. He didn’t plan on marrying again. He wanted to make sure the day was respectful, beautiful, and legal. We get a chance to see the romantic side of him.
Of course, the element with the ring changed. Instead of using Brian’s ring, Jamie got a ring made from the key to Lallybroch. This just condenses an element later in the books for the sake of the show, but it still remains an important connection to Jamie’s family. He is giving Claire a part of that key permanently, marking her being part of his family now.
The TV show also gave us a look at Claire and Frank’s wedding. It was a change to the books, not showing Claire and Frank got married in the same church she and Jamie marry in. It just felt like too much of a coincidence.
Instead, Claire and Frank eloped. They were passing City Hall and they decided to marry there. It gave us a look at how different Frank and Jamie are, how different Claire’s two marriages were. Claire never seemed too upset about quickly eloping, likely since she had little family to even be there. She’s more concerned about Frank’s parents. I don’t think there are any regrets of a lack of lavish wedding, as it did seem more in Claire’s personality at the time.
We just get to see a stark difference in the personalities of the men. Frank lives more in the moment. He doesn’t want a big affair and just wants to marry the woman he loves. There is a selfish element to it, but again, Claire doesn’t seem to want anything grander. In a way, Frank is giving Claire something she possibly wants at that time.
Jamie is giving Claire something she doesn’t realize she wants. He’s making this day as special as possible, especially under the circumstances.
What did you notice in your reading of Outlander Book 1, Chapter 14? Share in the comments below.
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