Connections with subsequent viewings
This is one of those episodes you need to watch more than once. There are connections you’ll see with each new watch—something you never saw the first time. This is a beauty of this type of episode, and I’m sure it’s something that was planned.
Here are the extra connections I’ve spotted the more I watch the episode. I’ll keep the connections to the fantasy world and not other parts of the episode that certainly had throwbacks to previous episodes.
Season 1:
The record player is similar to one in the first season. It can also be a connection to sounds and items from a safer time.
There are reports of a photo of Lallybroch on top of the TV. This isn’t the case, unless it’s since been added in. There wasn’t a photo on top of the TV during the initial airing and looks to have been photoshopped in by a fan.
Season 2:
The clock on the wall is a connection to the second season. There’s an ornament with a similar design on the altar in the hospital. This clock also looks like a sun, which could be a connection to King Louis, who was known as the Sun King.
Germain plays with a dragonfly. While this is a connection to Roger playing with a toy airplane, it’s also a connection to the dragonfly in amber that was lost at Culloden.
Season 3:
The television set that you can see as Claire walks away with the orange is the same TV as the one in Outlander Season 3. It’s the one Claire and her family watch one of the Apollo takeoffs from.
When Jamie wraps Claire in the shawl, he tells her not to be afraid. It’s just the two of them now. This is something Jamie tells Claire in the print shop.
Season 4:
The dripping from the ceiling is supposedly a connection to Season 4 in the cabin. There was a drip from the ceiling. I actually thought the drip was a connection to the outside world seeping into the dreamscape.
Season 5:
The nail polish that Claire is working is the same we see her wearing in the title card that involved the magazine with the house. This is something I spotted thanks to the Inside the World segment.
Marsali mentions Ringo Starr, which connects to Donner on the Outlander Season 5 finale.
We’ve noted the patch that Young Ian wears. It’s a Mohawk patch, which denotes that he’s part of that tribe. However, wearing the patch on the left is a sign of a tribe he’s left. In the show, he’s left the Mohawks now.
I know I said I was keeping things just to the dreamscape, but there’s something else to consider when Marsali kills Lionel. Not only is this with a new syringe after Lionel broke the other, but Marsali’s words are similar to Lionels. He makes a comment about wasting good medicine on Isaiah, while Marsali comments about wasting good medicine on Lionel.
As we see more, we’ll be sure to add them here.
What did you see during the fantasy world that connected you back to earlier episodes of Outlander? Share in the comments below.
Outlander is available to stream in full on STARZ.