Will Roger Mac sing again on Outlander Season 5?

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ /

What a journey Roger Mac has had on Outlander Season 5 so far. There’s still more to come. Will that involve him getting his singing voice back? We can look at the books to tell us.

Since heading to the past, Roger Mac has not had an easy life. He’s been threatened with being thrown overboard, sold to the Mohawks, witnessed the burning of a priest, and now hanged for being someone he wasn’t. It’s not surprising that he feels completely out of place on Outlander Season 5.

Caution: We’ll be getting into the book spoilers all the way up to Outlander Book 8, titled “Written In My Own Heart’s Blood.” If you haven’t read up to that point and don’t want to know the future storylines, consider this your warning.

Throughout Outlander Season 5, Episode 8, we watched Roger work through his trauma. Whatever you thought of the silent movie flashbacks, they gave us a look at how much the memories were wearing Roger down. They gave us a look at how PTSD can play out and how much it can take to fight the negative thoughts and feelings.

While Roger Mac is speaking again, he can’t sing. He tried but his voice was raspy and he was cut mid-song with a memory. Right now, it looks like singing is impossible but will he ever get his singing voice back?

This is something we can look at the books to find out. While the show isn’t necessarily going to follow the book storyline, this is a major one to change. Chances are the show will keep the storyline intact, especially since there was so much focus on Roger’s ability to sing in the earlier episodes of Outlander Season 5.

In the books, Roger doesn’t get his singing voice back. At least, he hasn’t got it back yet. While his throat has healed, his vocal cords were damaged. Claire hasn’t found a way to heal them just yet. That’s not to say there won’t be a way in the future books, but for not, Roger Mac hasn’t got his singing voice back.

He’s lost a part of himself. From this point in “The Fiery Cross,” he’s had to find a new purpose. Something else for him to do to help at the Ridge and boost morale. We’ve seen him take on other tasks throughout the series, but one that he hasn’t done yet is as a minister. Granted, many of the people on the Ridge are Catholic and not Presbyterian, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for him. We may well see him move to the minister storyline very soon.

Of course, the show could completely change things. We could see him get his singing voice back much earlier than he does in the books. I’m sure there would be a lot of complaints about that from those who want the storylines to stick more closely to those in the novels.

Next. 3 best Roger moments on Outlander Season 5, Episode 8. dark

Outlander Season 5 airs Sundays on STARZ. Watch Outlander with a FREE 7-day trial of Amazon Channels!
Outlander Season 5 airs Sundays on STARZ. Watch Outlander with a FREE 7-day trial of Amazon Channels! /