Outlander Season 2, Episode 2 aired for the first time on this day in history. Here’s a look back at the ratings, which started to see a decline.
On April 16, 2016, Outlander Season 2, Episode 2 aired for the very first time. We got to meet various new characters, including the insufferable Bonnie Prince Charlie. To mark the anniversary of the episode, it’s time to take a look back at the ratings.
At some point around now, STARZ did make the App more accessible. More people started watching through the app instead of through the channel, which would have had a knock-on effect on the live ratings. After all, something to remember is that the live ratings we get access to are only based on those who watched during the hour the episode aired on the TV.
According to TV Series Finale, the show saw a 30% drop in the demo and 15% drop in the total audience. While still strong, with a viewership over the million, we don’t like to see the drops. This is why I’ve started this post by saying sometime around 2016 the STARZ App became more accessible and popular.
More people would have turned to a platform where viewing figures aren’t counted. After all, it was clear to STARZ that the show was still popular.
From this point, many episodes saw a drop in the live ratings. Yet, on June 1, 2016, STARZ renewed the series for two seasons. It’s not common that a network will renew a show for more than one season at a time, suggesting that the app viewership was strong.
This is something to take away now. At Outlander Season 5, the ratings look low. But remember that the live ratings look low. We have no idea what the ratings are like directly through the app, which is how the majority of people watch and the method that counts the most for STARZ.
Outlander Season 2 ratings throwbacks continue as we mark the anniversary of each episode.