Maria Doyle Kennedy will sing on Outlander Season 5

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ

Outlander Season 5 has brought us Murtagh’s death in the same fashion as the books. Now it’s time for the funeral with Maria Doyle Kennedy singing.

If you thought the tears were over with Murtagh’s death on Outlander Season 5, Episode 7, think again. And we’re not just talking about the storyline for Roger. Murtagh’s funeral is coming up, and it turns out Maria Doyle Kennedy will sing at it.

Doyle Kennedy is currently breaking hearts on Outlander as Aunt Jocasta. We got to see Jocasta’s story from after Culloden and the reason why she had to marry Duncan Innes and not run off with Murtagh. However, that doesn’t mean she stopped loving Murtagh.

His death is going to hit her hard. They may not have been husband and wife but that doesn’t stop the grief. It doesn’t stop her thinking of what could have been and missing him dearly. And now, we get to hear her sing on the series, according to an interview with Duncan Lacroix with Elle.

Those who follow Maria Doyle Kennedy online will know that she’s a singer as well as an actress. She’s helped may through the coronavirus pandemic by performing songs live on Instagram. Now it’s time to hear her sing on Outlander.

While Lacroix didn’t officially confirm it, it’s likely that we’ll hear her singing during Episode 8, titled “Famous Last Words.” It doesn’t make sense for Murtagh’s funeral to take place later than the next episode, even though there is going to be a lot of focus on Roger after he’d been hanged by the Redcoats.

Maria’s song is going to be a Scottish folk song, which definitely suits the character, the moment, and the show. It’s a haunting song, but Lacroix didn’t share the title. He says it made him blab, so get the tissues ready for this moment.

Outlander Season 5, Episode 8 airs on Apr. 12 at 8/7c on STARZ.